Sunday, September 4, 2011

Arizona Addict

As the Baldy’s Bites logo states, SUPPORT CHEMO ADDICTION!  At least that’s what we needed in Southaven.  Now there is a new need for the fund$.  King Chemo and the “Royal” family are headed to Scottsdale, Arizona.  I was accepted into a study for an experiemental drug to fight cancer.  They know it works, but will it work on my tumors and how much will it take?  That’s what we don’t know.  Too bad im not a rat, I may have been cured by now.  This drug found it’s way through the animal kingdom already.  Now its MY turn!  .    .    .
Here we sit, in our FIRST CLASS seats aboard Delta flight 2433.  Ok, well one row behind first class.  But hey, we got cookies too DANGIT!  ESPN analyst, Bob Davie, is on our plane and he IS in first class.  I think he is headed back from the “School Up North” vs BYU game.  Poor Black Bears.  I’m thinking of asking him if he can get me Erin Andrews cell number.  You know, just so I can say Hello!  No stalking involved   .   .   . this week.  Queen Ginger and Prince McFly are NOT impressed with him. 
The family will be in Scottsdale for one week and I will be there for two.  McFly is not liking the fact that daddy has to stay out there without him.  But, I think after he see’s the facilities and meets the doctor, he will be fine.   That IS why we brought him.  Jackson has been involved in EVERYTHING since day 1 of THE BIG “C” and we have been honest with him about it all.  He is looked at as a little brother to everybody at UTCI and went to radiation with me everyday.   We figure, if he is gonna find out something, it’s gonna be from US! 
I am goin to start a new segment to the King Chemo Blog called “Welcome to Memphis”.  It will include things I observe in my travels and people I meet that show Memphians in their typical and ,in most cases, stereotypical nature.  Thank ya’ Thank ya’ Very Much for check, check, chekin’ it out.
*Starbucks at the Memphis airport.  There were 6 empolyees standing a circle talkin’ about “gettin’ dey haira did and how dey needs a break” and ONE woman making the orders.  I have NEVER seen more than 4 employees at one time at a BUSY Starbucks.   
-          Welcome to Memphis!

Check them out on Facebook or the Web
$1 can make a difference!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stick me, please! That's what . .

Hear ye. Hear ye. The time has come that thy needle shall sticketh thy port.

Well, after all the insurance BS, I'm in the "chair". They accessed my port, hooked up IV and I'm rollin' with fluids to start. The drugs I'm getting are not Dr. Yunus's first choice, but he said I needed to get started on something.We can kick Cignas ace later. The somethings are hells cocktail! OK, that's what I'm calling it. The drugs are Taxotere, Cisplatin and 5-FU. Fitting name for a CANCER drug don't you think?!? I will be wearing a pump all week with the 5-FU. Five days with 5-FU. There's the origin of name. Wow!

A video will follow for my subjects to enjoy. If you get queasy easily, like one Jeff Nicholas, you may want to refrain. It's nap time. I'll be back later. Holla!

Chewbacca gets stuck

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Royal family.

Young Prince William and Princess to be Kate are waltzing through the garden.  They have a sparkle in their eye and await the Royal wedding of morrow. . .

NO NO NO! That's the Royal family.  We are the ROYAL FAMILY!  When you read my blog header, you may think "WTH is he talking about?".  Well, our life IS as crazy as it sounds, but I wouldn't change it.  OK, except maybe the whole cancer thing. . .

Queen Ginger, Jackie if you dare, is one FINE redhead.  She is as feisty and fiery as the day I met her, if not more!  She doesn't take s - - - from anyone and that's why she is killer at her job.  Maybe those aren't the best words to use for someone in the medical field.  Whoops.  She was my little cousins best friend in high school and that's how we met.  I loved her then, just don't tell her, and I love her even more today!  Queen G has been my caretaker, encyclopedia, calendar, medical advisor and #1 advocate since all of this cancer BS started and she does a DAMN good job.  I put her through the ringer sometimes and she hasn't gone anywhere. . .

Prince McFly, well where do I start? Jackson is a character with his own definite STRONG personality and stubbornness that is beyond compare.  He is also one of the most creative, kind hearted, caring kids you will ever meet.  Don't talk about or mess with HIS MOMMA! He loves her and defends her like a wild boar. I have the scars to prove it!  And for some reason, he looks up to me like a real King at times.  That alone makes telling him about my cancer, the absolute HARDEST thing I have ever done.  BTW, he's had to hear it three times now.  CANCER SUCKS!!! Here's a quick story about the Prince.  Two years ago we found out about my original tumor and I went in for surgery.  Jackson came to visit me at the hospital, crawled up in the bed and was staring at my head with a disappointed look.  He said, "dad, you don't have real cancer! you still have hair." All he knew of cancer to that point was St. Jude kids, who (on TV) all seem to be bald.  He was also HIGHLY upset that my face wasn't wrapped up like a mummy.  He had major plans to take me to show n' tell at school.  Other than me ruining his idea of cancer and his show n' tell idea, he has been a CHAMP!  I would have never expected an 8 year old to deal with everything as well as he has.

I hope you enjoy the intro to THE Royal family.  Be ready for more stories to come. 
And to you CANCER . . . . . . . . 5-FU ! ! !  I'll explain next time. Peace!

THE motivation for the FIGHT!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bald man walking

For those that don't know, I grew up in Cleveland, Mississippi from the time I was three. After one year at Delta State University, I HAD to get out of small town USA. I moved to Nashville with my boy Stephen.

No, I wouldn't change much about where I've been. Although, going back to the "flatlands" this weekend made me realize living in Cleveland wasn't so bad and I should thank God forthe awesome friends that I have. As we walked around Crosstie Festival, Jackie and Jackson made fun of me for "being famous". I don't know why they were surprised. I warned them in ADVANCE that people in the Delta love me! When they see the bald head, the assumption is chemo. Chemo doesn't start until Tuesday! A bald head is just cooler and more aerodymanic. We went to the new T-Bonez (It's spelled wrong Beverly. I don't care WTH you say.) and ate dinner with the Chicorelli's. I had flashbacks of being in high schoool working again. When we walked in, Ronnie, Beverly, Peaches, ToJo and Rob were all there. What jolted me back into reality was "little" Rob walking out of the kitchen. He's now 22, 5'9" and part owner. Far from the 3 year old running around causing chaos while I was cooking in the 90's. It was great seeing everyone and very humbling to hear of the fundraisers and events being planned to help my family. 

We all need to appreciate our friends, the places we live, our family and all that God has given us.

p.s. I found a five year old to write my next blog.  She's a great storyteller.  It's all yours Mary Ella . . .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Once upon a time . . .

Once upon a time in the land of Mississippi, lived a handsome and very bald king named Chemo.  He reigned over the Haven of South with his feisty red haired wife Queen Ginger.  They had a son, Prince McFly, who was an avid time traveler, royal spy and skilled drummer.  .  .  ok, ok, I'm no storyteller.

My name is Shawn Butrum. I live in Southaven, Mississippi with my wife Jackie and 8 year old son Jackson.  About two years ago I developed a tumor in my left parotid gland.  After a needle biopsy, the path report showed it to be a very RARE and very AGGRESSIVE form of adeno ductal carcinoma.  I had surgery to have it removed in mid 2009, followed by 4 rounds of chemo and 33 radiation treatments. 

In mid 2010, the cancer came back in the same general area of my face.  Back to surgery I went! This time I had a radical neck dissection.  No, it wasn't RADICAL!!! or GNARLY!!! in a good way.  Radical meant that the Dr. went in and remodeled my face.  Obviously I will always be handsome, but I ended up with left side facial paralysis.  Let's just say, my smile has a "gangsta lean".  After surgery, I went on an maintenance drug called Erbitux.  I went everyday week for 16 weeks before I was taken off because of a long list of side effects.  The main one was an extreme acne like rash that would make a 13 year old boy look normal. 

Fast forward to March 2011 and a routine pet scan prior to Spring Break.  Results showed "activity" around my neck and in my lungs.  I don't think I have to state which was more urgent.  Within a week, I had seen a pulmonologist (thanks Lindsay!) and gone in for a bronchoscopy.   Path report = CANCER again. . .

I think that should catch you up adequately.  A cute blond (see, I did give you props Nat) who used to work with me said I should write a Blog this time.  I do NOT consider myself a writer but I'm gonna give it a shot.  Thanks for checking in and scanning my jabber. 

                                     I bid you good morrow my Servants. Your King must sleep!