Saturday, April 16, 2011

Once upon a time . . .

Once upon a time in the land of Mississippi, lived a handsome and very bald king named Chemo.  He reigned over the Haven of South with his feisty red haired wife Queen Ginger.  They had a son, Prince McFly, who was an avid time traveler, royal spy and skilled drummer.  .  .  ok, ok, I'm no storyteller.

My name is Shawn Butrum. I live in Southaven, Mississippi with my wife Jackie and 8 year old son Jackson.  About two years ago I developed a tumor in my left parotid gland.  After a needle biopsy, the path report showed it to be a very RARE and very AGGRESSIVE form of adeno ductal carcinoma.  I had surgery to have it removed in mid 2009, followed by 4 rounds of chemo and 33 radiation treatments. 

In mid 2010, the cancer came back in the same general area of my face.  Back to surgery I went! This time I had a radical neck dissection.  No, it wasn't RADICAL!!! or GNARLY!!! in a good way.  Radical meant that the Dr. went in and remodeled my face.  Obviously I will always be handsome, but I ended up with left side facial paralysis.  Let's just say, my smile has a "gangsta lean".  After surgery, I went on an maintenance drug called Erbitux.  I went everyday week for 16 weeks before I was taken off because of a long list of side effects.  The main one was an extreme acne like rash that would make a 13 year old boy look normal. 

Fast forward to March 2011 and a routine pet scan prior to Spring Break.  Results showed "activity" around my neck and in my lungs.  I don't think I have to state which was more urgent.  Within a week, I had seen a pulmonologist (thanks Lindsay!) and gone in for a bronchoscopy.   Path report = CANCER again. . .

I think that should catch you up adequately.  A cute blond (see, I did give you props Nat) who used to work with me said I should write a Blog this time.  I do NOT consider myself a writer but I'm gonna give it a shot.  Thanks for checking in and scanning my jabber. 

                                     I bid you good morrow my Servants. Your King must sleep!


  1. I wish you the best of luck with fighting the S.O.B. Cancer. I love have you have high energy and funny stories while going through this. your family and you are in my prayers.

  2. Great Blog and I love the header !! Keep fighting and kick the S.O.B hard. You and your family are in my daily thoughts and prayers.

  3. I hate cancer, but I know you hate it more and I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Cancer sucks. I love you and your family loves you very much. We are praying daily for you for strength, peace and courage!

    I love you very much cuz!

  4. I'm famous! I'm famous!
    I remember when we started working together over 10 years ago. You and I both came from those "other sign shops" & and boy were we in for a ride! Some of my best friends and biggest hero's came from this job. You being the hero, of course. Not that you're not a know what I mean. In therapy they suggest journaling, not that I would know that from experience, however, this to me is the same. No matter what physical state you're in, typing should be possible. You are informing people of the latest & you are getting your feelings out. You are a fighter, a believer, and a comedian. Those 3 things are must haves. You got lot's of prayers coming from the Coffield's too - even if they do include Iron Man, they still count, right?

  5. Everyone has a story to tell and I'm glad you are blogging yours. I happen to be a blogaholic, so this is the perfect way to keep up with your progress. Still keeping you and your family in our prayers. Anxiously awaiting the post where you tell us all you kicked cancer's ass. It's going to happen!!

  6. Cancer sucks. Big time. But I love your attitude. You know you are always in our prayers. Keeping fighting the good fight. And if you need any pointers, talk to the little dude. :P
